Our in-house laboratory has a dedicated CF-IRMS for high throughput of carbonate microsamples, water, samples of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), and air.
A second CF-IRMS interfaced with a pyrolysis unit and a crushing device allows fluid inclusion water to be analysed for its H and O isotopic composition.
The laboratory for optically stimulated luminescence dating includes preparation facilities, two Risø Readers one equipped with a single-grain attachment, and in-house facilities for dosimetry measurements.
We have substantial expertise in setting up and maintaining logging equipment in cave environments and recently developed a stand-alone logging device for carbon dioxide.
Dedicated tools for drilling speleothems and for obtaining percussion cores in unconsolidated sediments are available.
The starting point of all speleothem studies are macroscopic and microscopic investigations of polished slabs and thin sections, respectively.
We developed software to semi-automically detect and analyse annually laminated sequences in various types of sediments including stalagmites and flowstone.
We use two Merchantek Micromills to microsample long profiles across speleothem samples at resolutions down to 50 µm for stable isotope analysis.