25 Jun 2016
In collaboration with the GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ) Potsdam and funded by an FWF Meitner project Stefan Lauterbach and his small team set up an UWITEC drilling platform on Lake Hallstatt. The target of this research project is to establish a high-resolution calendar of large flooding events for the last 5000 years. Due to the water depth of 126 m in the central part of this deep lake coring was challenging, but the team succeeded in obtaining overlapping piston cores down to 15 m below the lake floor. These sediment cores will now be studied both at the GFZ and the University of Innsbruck and may also shed new light on the early history of salt mining and related human activities at Hallstatt.
Images courtesy Katee Wendt.
Media reports of the drilling campagain include:
- "Mit dem Bohrer in die Steinzeit" (Science ORF)
- "Forschen am Seegrund: Neue Bohrungen in den Salzkammergutseen" (Der Standard)