25 Apr 2016
Between 17th -22nd April, 2016, ten members of the Innsbruck Quaternary Reserach Group presented their latest research at the EGU General Assembly in Vienna.
Here is an overview of the presentations
Samuel Barrett
Insights into MIS 3 and 4 climate in the Alps from the Baumkirchen paleo-lake site: Results of pollen analysis
Samuel Barrett, Ruth Drescher-Schneider, Reinhard Starnberger, and Christoph Spötl
Testing new approaches to carbonate system simulation at the reef scale: the ReefSam model first results, application to a question in reef morphology and future challenges.
Samuel Barrett and Jody Webster
Luke Gliganic
Testing a luminescence surface-exposure dating technique
Luke A. Gliganic, Michael Meyer, and Sebastian Gehring
Gabriella Koltai
The nature of annual lamination in flowstones from non-karstic fractures, Vinschgau (northern Italy)
Gabriella Koltai, Christoph Spötl, and Hai Cheng
Stefan Lauterbach
Impact of flood events on lacustrine carbonate isotope records
Lucas Kämpf, Birgit Plessen, Stefan Lauterbach, Carla Nantke, Hanno Meyer, Bernhard Chapligin, Hannes Höllerer, and Achim Brauer
Marc Luetscher
A Younger Dryas temperature reconstruction from alpine speleothems
Marc Luetscher, John Hellstrom, Wolfgang Müller, Samuel Barrett, Yuri Dublyansky, and Christoph Spötl
A 250a speleothem record from Bärenhöhle, Austria: comparison with instrumental data
Marc Luetscher, John Hellstrom, Jens Fohlmeister, Wolfgang Müller, and Christoph Spötl
Gina Moseley
Northeast Greenland Caves Project: first results from a speleothem-derived record of climate change for the Arctic
Gina Moseley, R. Lawrence Edwards, Hai Cheng, Yanbin Lu, and Christoph Spötl
Christoph Spötl
Speleothems in the desert: Glimpses of the Pleistocene history of the Death Valley Regional Groundwater Flow System, Nevada and California
Christoph Spötl, Yuri Dublyansky, Gina Moseley, Kathleen Wendt, Larry Edwards, Robert Scholger, and Jon Woodhead
600 yr High-Resolution Climate Reconstruction of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation deduced from a Puerto Rican Speleothem
Rolf Vieten, Amos Winter, Denis Scholz, David Black, Christoph Spötl, Sophie Winterhalder, Gabriella Koltai, Andrea Schroeder-Ritzrau, Stefan Terzer, Davide Zanchettin, and Augusto Mangini
From rain to cave drip water: Hydraulic response time and water transfer time at Bunker Cave (NW Germany)
Sylvia Riechelmann, Andrea Schröder-Ritzrau, Christoph Spötl, Dana F. C. Riechelmann, Detlev K. Richter, Augusto Mangini, Norbert Frank, and Adrian Immenhauser
Deep-seated gravitational slope deformations in the Vinschgau (northern Italy) and their association with springs and speleothems
Marc Ostermann, Gabriella Koltai, Christoph Spötl, and Hai Cheng
Timing and duration of climate variability during the 8.2 ka event reconstructed from four speleothems from Germany
Sarah Wenz, Denis Scholz, Christoph Spötl, Birgit Plessen, Simon Mischel, Sebastian F.M. Breitenbach, Klaus Peter Jochum, and Jens Fohlmeister
Past climate variability between 97 and 7 ka reconstructed from a multi proxy speleothem record from Western Cuba
Sophie Winterhalder, Denis Scholz, Augusto Mangini, Christoph Spötl, Klaus Peter Jochum, and Jesús M. Pajón
Reconstruction of past climate variability in SE Spain between 14 and 8 ka
Alexander Budsky, Denis Scholz, Regina Mertz-Kraus, Spötl Christoph, Luis Gibert, Klaus Peter Jochum, and Meinrat O. Andreae
Interpreting δ18O and δ13C of two co-eval calcite and aragonite speleothems supported by cave monitoring from Grotte de Piste, Morocco
Jasper A. Wasserburg, Christoph Spötl, Hai Cheng, Klaus Peter Jochum, Andrea Niedermayr, Detlev K. Richter, Adrian Immenhauser, and Denis Scholz
Paul Töchterle
High-Resolution Isotopic Monitoring of Cave Air CO2
Paul Töchterle, Yuri Dublyansky, Magda Mandic, Nils Stöbener, Hj Jost, and Christoph Spötl
Kathleen Wendt
500,000 years of water table fluctuations recorded in Devils Hole 2 cave from southwestern Nevada, USA
Kathleen A Wendt, Gina E Moseley, Yuri V Dublyansky, Christoph Spötl, and R. Lawrence Edwards
Pluvial Period over NE Brazil linked to Heinrich Stadial Event 1
Kathleen A. Wendt, Akemi Berry, Anamaria Häuselmann, Dominik Fleitmann, Xianfeng Wang, Augusto S. Auler, Hai Cheng, and R. Lawrence Edwards