Right before Christmas we received notice that our proposal about the Asian Monsoon was among the successful grants of the second call of the Austrian Academy of Sciences´s Innovation Fund.
We welcome Paul Wilcox in our group. Paul studied the climate history of SE Alaska during his PhD and will now work on the Last Interglacial here in the Alps for the next two years, in the framework of an FWF project.
The first comprehensive book on ice caves was recently published with three contributions by member of our group.
It took longer than expected but now it is finished: a short movie about our ongoing research in Nevada.
We recently finished setting up a new web-based database of worldwide monitoring activities in caves, providing an easy-to-use tool to coordinate and support such programs.
After a year at Innsbruck our guest and friend Haiwei Zhang returned to China. We hope to see him soon again.
After three years we returned to this unique cave in the Dolomites and successfully cored what might be the thickest deposit of a flowstone in an alpine cave.
Funding has been awarded by the HypoTirol bank and the British Cave Research Association for research into past permafrost environments in the UK.