A new publication using fluid inclusion paleotemperatures derived from speleothems reveals warmer temperatures during the Last Interglacial period than today
One of the this year´s awards for outstanding teaching at our University goes to Michael Meyer and Bastian Joachim-Mrosko
We finished a 3D model of Hundsalm Eis- und Tropfsteinhöhle based on laserscanning.
The Austrian Science Fund approved a grant proposal led by Yuri Dublyansky
A recent study involving stalagmite samples from an Austrian cave explores the synchroneity of hydroclimate changes in the last 10,000 years between the Northern Hemisphere westerlies, the South American Monsoon and the African Monsoon.
Speleothems shed light on extinctions on Indian Ocean islands
A short popular science movie documents our research in one of the largest ice caves in the world
The Tiroler Landespreis für Wissenschaft was awarded to Christoph Spötl and the Förderpreis to Gabriella Koltai