
Stefan Lauterbach

Innsbruck Quaternary Research Group

Research Interests

Lake sediments as archives of Late Quaternary climate variability
Lake sediments as archives of extreme flood / debris-flow events and earthquakes
Sedimentology, geochemistry and microfacies analysis of lake sediments
Geoarchaeology and interactions between climate, humans and environment
Quaternary geochronology (varve and tephrochronology, radiometric dating)

Short CV
2016-2017 Postdoc at University of Innsbruck (FWF project Sediments of Hallstätter See as a palaeoflood archive)
2014-2015 Administrative coordinator of the scientific network Klimaplattform
2011-2016 Postdoc at GFZ Potsdam (BMBF projects CADY and PalMod)
2006-2011 PhD student / guest scientist at GFZ Potsdam and University of Potsdam (ESF project DecLakes)
1999-2006 Diploma (MSc) in Geology at University of Potsdam

