MS student

Stephanie Renslow

Innsbruck Quaternary Research Group

Master thesis
Variability of trace elements in speleothems in a Greenlandic cave

Research interests
• Palaeoclimate of arctic and alpine regions
• Speleothems as a climate archive
• Glacial-interglacial transitions
• Sediments in caves, periglacial and glacial environments

Short CV
2023, 2021       Exchange studies at the University Centre in Svalbard                
2023                 Exchange field course at the University of Iceland
2021-                Master student at the Institute of Geology, University of Innsbruck
2018-2021        Part-time assistant in the isotope lab, University of Innsbruck
2017-2021        B.Sc. in Earth Sciences at the University of Innsbruck            
2011-2014        M.Sc. In Environmental and process engineering, MCI Innsbruck
