Innsbruck Quaternary Research Group
PhD project
Ice in caves, a high resolution archive of past winter precipitation threatened by Global Warming
Research interests
• Exploring the potential of ice in caves as Middle to Late Holocene palaeoclimate archives
• Sampling cave hosted ice deposits to reconstruct winter precipitation records in alpine regions
• Monitoring and modelling ice cave microclimate and ice mass balance dynamics in the context of global warming
Long CV
You can find a link to my academic CV here: curriculum vitae
Short CV
2018-2022 PhD candidate at the University of Innsbruck
2017-2018 Administrative Assistant, ESE Dpt. Imperial College London
2013-2017 M.Sc. Geology (first class honours) at Imperial College London
Grants and scholarships
2018 Doktoratsstipendium aus der Nachwuchsförderung, University of Innsbruck
2016 Undergraduate Research Opportunity Scholarship, Imperial College London
Professional and community involvement
2017 Featured on Imperial Heroes exhibition at Imperial College London
2016-2017 Tours Organiser at the Imperial College Caving Club
2014-2015 President of the Imperial College Caving Club