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Publications 2013


Belli, R., Frisia, S., Borsato, A., Drysdale, R., Hellstrom, J., J-x. Zhao, Spötl, C. (2013): Regional climate variability and ecosystem responses to the last deglaciation in the northern hemisphere from stable isotope data and calcite fabrics in two northern Adriatic stalagmites. – Quaternary Science Reviews, 72, 146-158.

Cheng, H.,  Edwards, R.L., Shen, C.-C., Polyak, V.J., Asmerom, Y., Woodhead, J., Hellstrom, J., Wang, Y., Kong, X., Spötl, C., Wang, X., Alexander, E.C. (2013): Improvements in 230Th dating, 230Th and 234U half-life values, and U-Th isotopic measurements by multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. – Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 371-372, 82-91.

Dredge, J., Fairchild, I.J., Harrison, R.M., Fernandez-Cortez, A., Sánchez-Moral, S., Jurado, V., Gunn, J., Smith, A., Spötl, C., Mattey, D., Wynn, P., Grassineau, N. (2013): Cave aerosols: distribution and contribution to speleothem geochemistry. – Quaternary Science Reviews, 63, 23-41.

Fensterer, C., Scholz, D., Hoffmann, D., Spötl, C., Schröder-Ritzrau, A., Horn, C., Pajón, J.M., Mangini, A. (2013): Millennial-scale climate variability during the last 12.5 ka recorded in a Caribbean speleothem. – Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 361, 143-151.

Fohlmeister, J., Vollweiler, N., Spötl, C., Mangini, A. (2013): COMNISPA II: update of a mid-European isotope climate record, 11 ka to present. – The Holocene, 23, 749-754.

Sürmelihindi, G., Passchier, C.W., Spötl, C., Kessener, P., Bestman, M., Jacob, D.E., Baykan, N.O. (2013): Laminated carbonate deposits in Roman aqueducts: origin, processes and implications. – Sedimentology, 60, 961-982.

Sürmelihindi, G., Passchier, C.W., Baykan, O.N., Spötl, C., Kessener, P. (2013): Environmental and depositional controls on laminated freshwater carbonates: an example from the Roman aqueduct of Patara, Turkey. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 386, 321-335.

Johnston, V.E., A. Borsato, A., Spötl, C., Frisia, S., Miorandi, R. (2013): Stable isotopes in caves over altitudinal gradients: fractionation behaviour and inferences for speleothem sensitivity to climate change. - Climate of the Past, 9, 99-118.

Kluge, T., Affek, H.P., Marx, T., Aeschbach-Hertig, W., Riechelmann, D.F.C., Scholz, D., Riechelmann, S., Richter, D.K., Immenhauser, A., Fohlmeister, J., Wackerbarth, A., Mangini, A., Spötl, C.: Reconstruction of drip-water δ18O based on calcite oxygen and clumped isotopes of speleothems from Bunker Cave (Germany). - Climate of the Past, 9, 377-391.

Luetscher, M. (2013): Glacial processes in caves. - In: Shroder, J. (Editor in Chief), Frumkin, A. (Ed.), Treatise on Geomorphology. Academic Press, San Diego, CA, 6, Karst Geomorphology, 258-266.

Luetscher, M., Borreguero, M., Moseley, G.M., Spötl, C., Edwards, R.L. (2013): Alpine permafrost thawing during the Medieval Warm Period identified from cryogenic cave carbonates. – The Cryosphere, 7, 1073-1081.

Meyer, M.C., Austin, P., Tropper, P. (2013): Quantitative evaluation of mineral grains using automated SEM-EDS analysis and its application potential in optically stimulated luminescence dating. - Radiation Measurements 58, 1-11.

Moseley, G.E., Smart, P.L., Richards, D.A., Hoffmann, D.L. (2013): Speleothem constraints on marine isotope stage (MIS) 5 relative sea levels, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. - Journal of Quaternary Science, 28, 293-300.

Moseley, G.E., Richards, D.A., Smith, C., Smart, P.L., Hoffmann, D.L., Farrant, A.R. (2013): U–Th dating of speleothems to investigate the evolution of limestone caves in the Gunung Mulu National Park, Sarawak, Malaysia. - Cave and Karst Science, 40, 13-16.

Perkmann, L., Luetscher, M. (2013): Vermessung und hydrologische Untersuchung des Bärenhöhlesystems, Bregenzerwald, Vorarlberg. - Die Höhle, 64, 32-44.

Starnberger, R., Drescher-Schneider, R., Reitner, J. M., Rodnight, H., Reimer, P. J., Spötl, C. (2013): Late Pleistocene climate change and landscape dynamics in the Eastern Alps: The inner-alpine Unterangerberg record (Austria). - Quaternary Science Reviews, 68, 17-62.

Riechelmann, D.F.C., Deiniger, M., Scholz, D., Riechelmann, S., Schröder-Ritzrau, A., Spötl, C., Richter, D.K., Mangini, A., Immenhauser, A. (2013): Disequilibrium carbon and oxygen isotope fractionation in recent cave calcite: Comparison of cave precipitates and numerical d13C and d18O data. - Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 103, 232-244.

Sattler, B., Larch, P., Rambacher, J., Spötl, C.: Das Eis der Hundsalm Eis- und Tropfsteinhöhle als Lebensraum für mikrobielle Gemeinschaften. - Die Höhle, 64, 15-24.

Spötl, C., Reimer, P.J., Starnberger, R., Reimer, R. (2013): A new radiocarbon chronology of Baumkirchen, stratotype for the onset of the Upper Würmian in the Alps. – Journal of Quaternary Science, 28, 552-558.

Starnberger, R., Rodnight, H., Spötl, C. (2013): Luminescence dating of fine-grain lacustrine sediments from the Late Pleistocene Unterangerberg site (Tyrol, Austria). – Austrian Journal of Earth Science, 106, 4-15.

Sundqvist, H.S., Holmgren, K., Fohlmeister, J., Zhang, Q., Bar Matthews, M., Spötl, C., Körnich, H. (2013): Evidence of a large cooling between 1690 and 1740 AD in southern Africa. – Scientific Reports, 3, 1767, DOI: 10.1038/srep01767.

Dublyansky, Y.V. (2013): Karstification by geothermal waters. - In: Shroder, J. (Editor in Chief), Frumkin, A. (Ed.), Treatise on Geomorphology. Academic Press, San Diego, CA, 6, Karst Geomorphology, 57-71.