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Publications 2014


Spötl, C. (2014): Von der Eiszeit zur heutigen Warmzeit. Das Werden der Landschaft am Großen Ahornboden. In: Großer Ahornboden. Eine Landschaft erzählt ihre Geschichte (ed. by H. Sonntag, F. Straubinger), 47-53, Wattens (Berenkamp).

Auer, I., Foelsche, U., Böhm, R., Chimani, B., Haimberger, L., Kerschner, H., Koinig, K.A., Nicolussi, K., Spötl, C. (2014): Vergangene Klimaänderung in Österreich. In: Österreichischer Sachstandsbericht Klimawandel 2014 (AAR14). Austrian Panel on Climate Change (APCC), Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, 227–300 (Download at: http://hw.oeaw.ac.at/7699-2).

Brauer, A., Hajdas, I., Blockley, S.P.E., Bronk Ramsey, C., Christl, M., Ivy-Ochs, S., Moseley, G.E., Nowaczyk, N.N., Rasmussen, S.O., Roberts, H.M., Spötl, C., Staff, R.A., Svensson, A. (2014): The importance of independent chronology in integrating records of past climate change for the 60-9 ka INTIMATE time interval. - Quaternary Science Reviews, 106, 47-66.

Dublyansky, Y.V., Klimchouk, A.B., Spötl, C., Timokhina, E.I., Amelichev, G.N. (2014): Isotope wallrock alteration associated with hypogene karst of the Crimean Piedmont, Ukraine. – Chemical Geology, 377, 31-44.

Sanders, D., Spötl, C. (2014): The Hötting Breccia – a Pleistocene key site near Innsbruck, Tyrol. – In: From the foreland to the Central Alps. Field trips to selected sites of Quaternary research in the Tyrolean and Bavarian Alps (ed. by H. Kerschner, K. Krainer, C. Spötl), 82-94, Berlin (Geozon). Download at http://www.geozon.info/publikationen.

Spötl, C., Mair, D., Starnberger, R. (2014): From Vorderriß to Großer Ahornboden: Quaternary geology of the Riss Valley (Karwendel Mountains). – In: From the foreland to the Central Alps. Field trips to selected sites of Quaternary research in the Tyrolean and Bavarian Alps (ed. by H. Kerschner, K. Krainer, C. Spötl), 32-44, Berlin (Geozon). Download at http://www.geozon.info/publikationen.

Spötl, C., Starnberger, R., Barrett, S. (2014): The Quaternary of Baumkirchen (central Inn Valley, Tyrol) and its surroundings. - In: From the foreland to the Central Alps. Field trips to selected sites of Quaternary research in the Tyrolean and Bavarian Alps (ed. by H. Kerschner, K. Krainer, C. Spötl), 68-80, Berlin (Geozon). Download at http://www.geozon.info/publikationen.

Dublyansky, Y.V. (2014):  Hypogene speleogenesis - discussion of definitions.  In: A. Klimchouk, I. Sasowsky, J. Mylroie, S.A. Engel, and A.S. Engel (Eds.), Hypogene Cave Morphologies. Karst Waters Institute Special Publication 18, 1-3, Karst Waters Institute, Leesburg, Virginia.

Dublyansky, Y.V., Spötl, C. (2014): Morphological effects of condensation-corrosion speleogenesis at Devils Hole ridge, Nevada. – In: A. Klimchouk, I. Sasowsky, J. Mylroie, S.A. Engel, and A.S. Engel (Eds.), Hypogene Cave Morphologies. Karst Waters Institute Special Publication 18, 36-43, Karst Waters Institute, Leesburg, Virginia.

Heiri, O., Koinig, K.A., Spötl, C., Barrett, S., Brauer, A., Drescher-Schneider, R., Gaar, D., Ivy-Ochs, S., Kerschner, H., Luetscher, M., Moran, A., Nicolussi, K., Preusser, F., Schmidt, R., Schoeneich, P., Schwörer, C., Sprafke, T., Terhorst, B., Tinner, W. (2014): Palaeoclimate records 60-8 ka in the Austrian and Swiss Alps and their forelands. – Quaternary Science Reviews, 106, 186-205.

Spötl,  C., Reimer, P.J., Rabeder,  G., Scholz, D. (2014): Presence of cave bears in western Austria before the onset of the Last Glacial Maximum: new radiocarbon dates and palaeoclimatic considerations. – Journal of Quaternary Science, 29, 760-766.

Spötl, C., Reimer, P.J., Luetscher, M. (2014): Long-term mass balance of perennial firn and ice in an Alpine cave (Austria): Constraints from radiocarbon-dated wood fragments. – The Holocene, 24, 165-175.

Kluge, T., Affek, H.P., Dublyansky, Y., Spötl, C. (2014): Devils Hole paleotemperatures and implications for oxygen isotope equilibrium fractionation. – Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 400, 251-260.

Kluge, T., Affek, H.P., Zhang, Y.G., Dublyansky, Y., Spötl, C., Immenhauser, A., Richter, D.K. (2014): Clumped isotope thermometry of cryogenic cave carbonates. – Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 126, 541-554.

Kluge, T., Marx, T., Aeschbach-Hertig, W., Spötl, C., Richter, D.K. (2014): Noble gas concentrations in fluid inclusions as tracer for the origin of coarse-crystalline cryogenic cave carbonates. – Chemical Geology, 368, 54-62.

Spötl, C., Boch, RB., Moseley, G., Brandstätter, S., Edwards, R.L., Cheng, H., Mangini, A., Plan, L. (2014): Wann entstanden die Tropfsteine in der Kraushöhle bei Gams (Steiermark)? – Die Höhle, 65, 18-24.

Livio, F.A., Berlusconi, A., Zerboni, A., Trombino, L., Sileo, G., Michetti, A.M., Rodnight, H., Spötl, C. (2014): Progressive offset and surface deformation along a seismogenic blind thrust in the Po Plain foredeep (Southern Alps, Northern Italy). – Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth, 119, 7701-7721.

Martin, L., Mercier, N., Incerti, S. (2014): Geant4 simulations for sedimentary grains in infinite matrix conditions: The case of alpha dosimetry, Radiation Measurements 70, 39-47
doi: 10.1016/j.radmeas.2014.09.003.

Moseley, G.E., Spötl, C., Svensson, A., Cheng, H., Brandstätter, S., Lawrence Edwards, R. (2014): Multi-speleothem record reveals tightly coupled climate between central Europe and Greenland during Marine Isotope Stage 3. - Geology, 42, 1043-1046.

Spötl, C. & Cheng, H. (2014): Holocene climate change, permafrost, and cryogenic carbonate formation: insights from a recently deglaciated, high-elevation cave in the Austrian Alps. – Climate of the Past, 10, 1349-1362.

Scholz, D., Tolzmann, J., Hoffmann, D.L., Jochum, K.P., Spötl, C., Riechelmann, D.F.C. (2014): Diagenesis of speleothems and its effect on the accuracy of 230Th/U-ages. – Chemical Geology, 387, 74-86.

Wynn, P.M., Fairchild, I.J., Spötl, C., Hartland, A., Mattey, D., Fayard, B., Cotte, M. (2014): Synchrotron X-ray distinction of seasonal hydrological and temperature patterns in speleothem carbonate. - Environmental Chemistry, 11, 28-36.

Dublyansky, Y.V. (2014): Evaluation of the US DOE's conceptual model of hydrothermal activity at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. - Geoscientific Model Development, 7, 1583-1607.