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Publications 2023


Skiba, V., Jouvet, G., Marwan, N., Spötl, C., Fohlmeister, J. (2023): Speleothem growth and stable carbon isotopes as proxies of the presence and thermodynamical state of glaciers compared to modelled glacier evolution in the Alps. – Quaternary Science Reviews, 322, 108403.

Skiba, V., Spötl, C., Trüssel, M., Schröder-Ritzrau, A., Schröder, B., Frank, N., Eichstädter, R., Tjangiligi, R., Marwan, N., Zhang, X., Fohlmeister, J. (2023): Millennial-scale climate variability in the Northern Hemisphere influenced glacier dynamics in the Alps around 250,000 years ago. – Communications Earth & Environment, 4:426, https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-023-01083-y.

Spötl, C., Gaugler, T., Racine, T., Erler, R. (2023): Der Natureispalast, eine Gletscherhöhle im Tuxer Ferner (Zillertaler Alpen, Tirol). – Die Höhle, 74, 17-29.

Spötl, C., Höfer-Öllinger, G., Hirtner, G., Zhang, H. (2023): Der Brunnstollen im Mönchsberg der Stadt Salzburg und seine Versinterung. – Die Höhle, 74, 82-94.

Wilcox, P., Mudelsee, M., Spötl, C., Edwards, R.L. (2023): Solar forcing of ENSO on century timescales. – Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2023GL105201, https://doi.org/10.1029/2023GL105201.

Wilcox, P.S., Spötl, C., Honkonen, J., Edwards, R.L. (2023): A Walker switch mechanism driving millennial-scale climate variability. – The Innovation Geoscience, 1(2): 100026, https://doi.org/10.59717/j.xinn-geo.2023.100026.


Spötl, C., Dublyansky, Y., Koltai, G., Racine, T., Plan, L. (2023): The Obir caves adjacent to the Periadriatic Fault in southern Austria: Uplifted hypogene caves formed by carbonic acid speleogenesis. – Geomorphology, 441, 108901, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2023.108901.

Spötl, C., Koltai, G., Dublyansky, Y. (2023): Mode of formation of cryogenic cave carbonates: Experimental evidence from an Alpine ice cave. – Chemical Geology, 638, 121712, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2023.121712.

Donner, A., Töchterle, P., Spötl, C., Hajdas, I., Li, X., R Edwards, R.L., Moseley, G.E. (2023): Cryogenic cave minerals recorded the 1889 CE melt event in northeastern Greenland. – Climate of the Past, 19, 1607-1621.

Sürmelihindi, G., Passchier, C.W., Rigal, D., Wilson, A., Spötl, C. (2023): Roman aqueduct maintenance in the water supply system of Divona, France. – Scientific Reports, 13:12035, doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-38655-z.

Fohlmeister, J., Luetscher, M., Spötl, C., Schröder-Ritzrau, A., Schröder, B., Frank, N., Eichstädter, R., Trüssel, M. Skiba, V., Boers, N. (2023): The role of Northern Hemisphere summer insolation for millennial-scale climate variability during the penultimate glacial. – Communications Earth & Environment, 4:245, https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-023-00908-0.


Uwakwe, O.C., Riechelmann, S., Hoffmann, R., Spötl, C., Jantschke, A., Hansen, M., Immenhauser, A. (2023): Experimental precipitation of cryogenic carbonate. – Chemical Geology, 635, 121615.

Anczkiewicz, R., Nava, A., Bondioli, L., Müller, W., Spötl, C., Koziarska, M., Boczkowska, M., Wojtal, P., Wilczyński, J. (2023): High spatial resolution Sr isotope and trace element record of dental enamel mineralization in a woolly mammoth tooth: Implications for paleoecological reconstructions. – Quaternary Science Reviews, 313, 108191.

Honiat, C., Koltai, G., Dublyansky, Y., Edwards, R.L., Zhang, H., Cheng, H., Spötl, C. (2023): A paleoprecipitation and paleotemperature reconstruction of the Last Interglacial in the southeastern Alps. – Climate of the Past, 19, 1177-1199.

Spötl, C., Jarosch, A., Saxer, A., Koltai, G., Zhang, H. (2023): Thermoelasticity of ice explains widespread damage in dripstone caves during glacial periods. – Scientific Reports (Nature), 13:7407, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-34499-9.

Gliganic, L.A., Slack, M., Meyer, M.C. (2023): Tending to tradition: Dating stone arrangement maintenance in northwest Australia using optical methods. - Journal of Archaeological Sciences, 49, 104053.

Jaillet, S., Honiat, C., Pons-Branchu, E., Couchoud, I., Hobléa, F., Racine, T., Spötl, C. (2023): Cave sediments in the Western Bauges karst: A record of Middle and Upper Pleistocene glacial advances in the French Alps. – Geomorphology, 433. 108707.

Jackson, T.R., Steidle, S.D., Wendt, K.A., Dublyansky, Y., Spötl, C. (2023): A 350,000-year history of groundwater recharge in the southern Great Basin, USA. – Communications Earth & Environment, 4:98, https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-023-00762-0 | www.nature.com/commsenv.

Vieira de Sousa, D., Spinola, D., Santos, J.C., Tatumi, S., Yee, M., Pessoa, R.A., Eltink, E., do Vale Lopes, D., Spötl, C., Cherkinsky, A., Reis, H.F., de Oliviera Silva, J., Auler, A., Cruz, F. (2023): Relict soil features in cave sediments record periods of wet climate and dense vegetation over the last 100 kyr in a present-day semiarid region of Northeast Brazil. – Catena, 226, 107092, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2023.107092.

Kowalik, N., Anczkiewicz, R., Müller, W., Spötl, C., Bondioli, L., Nava, A., Wojtal, P., Wilczyński, J., Koziarska, M., Matyszczak, M. (2023): Revealing seasonal woolly mammoth migration with spatially-resolved trace element, Sr and O isotopic records of molar enamel. – Quaternary Science Reviews, 306, 108036, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2023.108036.

Pfeiffer, J., Rutzinger, M., Spötl, C. (2023): Terrestrial laser scanning for 3D mapping of an alpine ice cave. – Photogrammetric Record, 38, 6-21.

Bernal-Wormull, J.L., Moreno, A., Bartolomé, M., Arriolabengoa, M., Pérez-Mejías, C., Iriarte, E., Osácar, E., Aranburu, A., Spötl, C., Stoll, H., Cacho, I., Edwards, R.L., Cheng, H. (2023): New insights into the climate of northern Iberia during the Younger Dryas and Holocene: The Mendukilo multi-speleothem record. – Quaternary Science Reviews, 305, 108006, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2023.108006.

Duan, R., Li, T.-Y., Li, J.-Y., Spötl, C., Li, H.-C., Wang, H.-B., Cheng, H., Ning, Y.-F., Shen, C.-C., Zhou, J.-L., Chen, C.-J., Yu, T.-L., Edwards, R.L., Liu, Z.-Q. (2023): Karst-ecological changes during the middle and late Holocene in Southwest China revealed by δ18O and δ13C records in a stalagmite. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 615, 111437, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2023.111437.

Bartolomé, M., Cazenave, G., Luetscher, M., Spötl, C., Gázquez, F., Belmonte, Á., Turchyn, A.V., López-Moreno, J.I.,  Moreno, A. (2023): Mountain permafrost in the Central Pyrenees: insights from the Devaux ice cave. – The Cryosphere, 17, 477-497.

Lauterbach, S., Strasser, M., Kowarik, K., Reschreiter, H., Mandl, G.W., Spötl, C., Plessen, B., Brauer, A. (2023): Large-scale mass movements recorded in the sediments of Lake Hallstatt (Austria) – evidence for recurrent natural hazards at a UNESCO World Heritage site. – Journal of Quaternary Science, 38, 258-275.

Soleimani, M., Nadimi, A., Koltai, G., Dublyansky, Y., Carolin, S., Spötl, C. (2023): Stalagmite evidence of Last Glacial Maximum to early Holocene climate variability in southwestern Iran. – Journal of Quaternary Science, 38, 308-318.

Pisani, L., Koltai, G., Dublyansky, Y., Kleine, B.I., Whitehouse, M., Scrzypek, E., Carbone, C., Spötl, C., Antonellini, M., Bezerra, F.H., De Waele, J. (2023): Hydrothermal silicification and hypogene dissolution of an exhumed Neoproterozoic carbonate sequence in Brazil: Insights from fluid inclusion microthermometry and silicon-oxygen isotopes. – Basin Research, 35, 1102-1127.