MS student

Masha Boekholt

Innsbruck Quaternary Research Group

Master thesis
Geological and palaeoenvironmental study of caves in the Otavi Mountains (Namibia) including geochemical analysis of speleothems

Research Interests
-              Caves and speleothems
-              Paleoclimate reconstruction and climate change
-              Speleogenesis

Short CV
2023-         Master Student at the Institute of Geology, University of Innsbruck, Austria
2022          Geologischer Dienst NRW (Krefeld), Germany, internship
2022          AKKH-Arbeitskreis Kluterhöhle (Ennepetal), Germany, 5 week internship
2020-2022 Institute of applied Geoscience (Karlsruhe), student assistant
2021           Institute of Meteorology and Climate studies (Karlsruhe), student assistant
2019-2023  B.Sc. in Applied Geology, Karlsruher Institute for Technology (KIT), Germany
2015           GeoConsult Busch - Ingenieurbüro für Altlasten, Geotechnik, Wasserwirtschaft (Aachen), internship
2010-2018  St. Michael Gymnasium Monschau, Germany

