PhD student

Anika Donner

Innsbruck Quaternary Research Group

PhD Project

Mid-Pleistocene climate change in Greenland: A speleothem-based approach 

Research Interests

• Investigating the palaeoclimate of (sub-) arctic regions

• Understanding the role of Arctic warming in a global context

• Utilising speleothems as climate archives

• Geomorphology in periglacial and glacial environments

Short CV

2020-             PhD candidate in Earth Sciences at the Institute of Geology, University of Innsbruck

2016-2019     M. Sc. Applied Physical Geography at the University of Würzburg, Germany

2013-2016     B. Sc. Geography at the University of Göttingen, Germany


Other Interests

Hiking and bouldering



Donner, A., Töchterle, P., Spötl, C., Hajdas, I., Li, X., R Edwards, R.L., Moseley, G.E. (2023): Cryogenic cave minerals recorded the 1889 CE melt event in northeastern Greenland. – Climate of the Past, 19, 1607-1621.

Winkler, S., Donner, A., Tintrup gen. Suntrup, A. (2021): Periglacial Landforms in Jotunheimen, Central Southern Norway, and Their Altitudinal Distribution. - In: Beylich A.A. (ed.), Landscapes and Landforms of Norway. World Geomorphological Landscapes. Springer, Cham.

Donner, A., Töchterle, P., Moseley, G.E. (2020): Basic meteorological observations in the Centrumsø region of northeast Greenland. Cave and Karst Science 47(2) , 104-106.