Senior scientist

Yuri Dublyansky

Innsbruck Quaternary Research Group

Research Interests

Fluid inclusions and isotope geochemistry (including analyses of stable isotopes of inclusion fluids)
Speleogenesis, particularly hypogene and hydrothermal karst
Palaeohydrogeology, stable isotope palaeohydrogeology, and applications to the geological disposal of nuclear waste

Short CV

2006-present: Two FWF projects taken up at the Institute of Geology of the Innsbruck University. Development of the methods of isotope analyses of waters trapped in fluid inclusions in speleothems and studies of hypogene karst.

2003-2006: Research position at Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali (Trento, Italy). The development of new methods and techniques for the palaeo-climatic studies of speleothems.

2001-2003: By request of the Office of Attorney General of State of Nevada, with the group of co-authors from USA, UK and Russia, performed evaluation of the suitability of the U.S. proposed site for geological disposal of nuclear waste at Yucca Mountain, Nevada.

1999-2001: PI of the research project funded by Government of the State of Nevada studying the geological suitability of the proposed high-level nuclear waste disposal site in Nevada. On behalf of the State testified before the Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board and the Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

1997-1998: Served as an expert to TACIS (a EC program), assessing geological issues of the nuclear waste disposal in the north-western Russia (Novaya Zemlia archipelago).

1994-1998: Consulting the State of Nevada's Nuclear Waste Project Office and the Attorney General Office on the issues of the geological suitability of the proposed high-level nuclear waste repository site at Yucca Mountain. Submitted 19 technical reports.

1993-1994: International Scientific Fellowship Award from NSERC, Canada, taken up at McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada (prof D.C. Ford). Fluid inclusion and stable isotope research on speleothems from different karst areas.

1992-1993: Consulting the Hungarian National Authority for Nature Conservation on fossil hydrothermal karst systems and caves in Budapest and the Transdanubian Range.



Koltai, G., Spötl, C., Rinyu, L., Honiat, C., Racine, T., Zhang, H., Krüger, Y. & Dublyansky, Y. (2024): Late-stage evolution of hypogene caves at Tyuya-Muyun (Kyrgyzstan): Quantitative insights from mineral deposits. – Chemical Geology, 670, 122454.

Steidle, S.D., Wendt, K.A., Dublyansky, Y., Edwards, R.L., Li, X., McClure, G., Moseley, G.E., Spötl, C. (2024): Moisture availability and groundwater recharge paced by orbital forcing over the past 750,000 years in the southwestern USA. – Communications Earth & Environment, 5:376,

Soleimani, M., Baker, J.L., Nadimi, A., Dublyansky, Y., Koltai, G., Spötl, C. (2024): Decoupled hydroclimate of Central and Southwestern Iran controlled by the strength of southerly-westerly jets during Marine Isotope Stage 3. – Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2024GL109797,

Chervyatsova, O., Potapov, S., Baker, J., Gavryshkin, D., Polyak, V., Heizler, M., Tokarev, S., Sadykov, S., Dbar, R., Dublyansky, Y. (2024): A speleogenetic history of Novoafonskaya Cave in the Western Caucasus. - International Journal of Speleology, 53, 89-110.

Dublyansky, Y., Töchterle, P., Steck, M.M., Sperlich, D.W., Cheng, H., Zhang, H., Smirnov, S., Spötl, C. (2024): Size–shape–stable isotope (C, O) relationships of cryogenic cave carbonates formed in permafrost settings. – Chemical Geology, 661, 122183,

Dublyansky, Y.V., Moseley, G.E., Koltai, G., Töchterle, P., Spötl, C. (2024): Cryogenic cave carbonates. – Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science, Third Edition, vol. 5, 411-421, UK (Elsevier),

Wolf, A., Baker, J.L., Tjallingii, R., Cai, Y., Osinzev, A., Antonosyan, M., Amano, N., Johnson, K.R., Skiba, V., McCormack, J., Kwiecien, O., Chervyatsova, O.Y., Dublyansky, Y.V., Dbar, R.S., Cheng, H., Breitenbach, S.F.M. (2024): Western Caucasus regional hydroclimate controlled by cold-season temperature variability since the Last Glacial Maximum. - Communications Earth & Environment, 5:66, doi:10.1038/s43247-023-01151-3.

Koltai, G., Kluge, T., Krüger, Y., Spötl, C., Rinyu, L., Audra, P., Honiat, C., Leél-Őssy, S., Dublyansky, Y. (2024):  Geothermometry of calcite spar at 10-50°C. – Scientific Reports, 14:1553,

Spötl, C., Dublyansky, Y., Koltai, G., Racine, T., Plan, L. (2023): The Obir caves adjacent to the Periadriatic Fault in southern Austria: Uplifted hypogene caves formed by carbonic acid speleogenesis. – Geomorphology, 441, 108901,

Spötl, C., Koltai, G., Dublyansky, Y. (2023): Mode of formation of cryogenic cave carbonates: Experimental evidence from an Alpine ice cave. – Chemical Geology, 638, 121712,

Honiat, C., Koltai, G., Dublyansky, Y., Edwards, R.L., Zhang, H., Cheng, H., Spötl, C. (2023): A paleoprecipitation and paleotemperature reconstruction of the Last Interglacial in the southeastern Alps. – Climate of the Past, 19, 1177-1199.

Jackson, T.R., Steidle, S.D., Wendt, K.A., Dublyansky, Y., Spötl, C. (2023): A 350,000-year history of groundwater recharge in the southern Great Basin, USA. – Communications Earth & Environment, 4:98, |

Soleimani, M., Nadimi, A., Koltai, G., Dublyansky, Y., Carolin, S., Spötl, C. (2023): Stalagmite evidence of Last Glacial Maximum to early Holocene climate variability in southwestern Iran. – Journal of Quaternary Science, 38, 308-318.

Pisani, L., Koltai, G., Dublyansky, Y., Kleine, B.I., Whitehouse, M., Scrzypek, E., Carbone, C., Spötl, C., Antonellini, M., Bezerra, F.H., De Waele, J. (2023): Hydrothermal silicification and hypogene dissolution of an exhumed Neoproterozoic carbonate sequence in Brazil: Insights from fluid inclusion microthermometry and silicon-oxygen isotopes. – Basin Research, 35, 1102-1127.

Németh, P., Töchterle, P., Dublyansky, Y., Stalder, R., Molnár, Z., Klébert, S., Spötl, C. (2022): Tracing structural relicts of the ikaite-to-calcite transformation in cryogenic cave glendonite. – American Mineralogist, 107, 1960-1967.

Töchterle, P., Steidle, S.D., Edwards, R.L., Dublyansky, Y., Spötl, C., Li, X., Gunn, J., Moseley, G.E. (2022): 230Th/U isochron dating of cryogenic cave carbonates. – Geochronology, 4, 617-627.

Temovski, L.R., Futó, I., Molnár, K., Túri, M., Demény, A., Otoničar, B,, Dublyansky, Y., Audra, P., Polyak, V., Asmerom, Y.,  Palcsu, L. (2022): Combined use of conventional and clumped carbonate stable isotopes to identify hydrothermal isotopic alteration in cave walls. - Scientific Reports, 12:9202,

Deev, E.V., Dublyansky, Y.V., Pozdnyakova, N.I., Scholz, D., Kokh, S.N., Sokol, E.V., Rusanov, G.G. (2021): 230Th/U dating of travertines related to paleoearthquakes in Gorny Altai: First results. - Doklady Earth Sciences, 500, 820-825.

Langhamer, L., Dublyansky, Y., Schneider, C. (2021): Spatial and Temporal Planetary Boundary Layer Moisture-Source Variability of Crimean Peninsula Precipitation. – Earth and Space Science, 8, 8, e2021EA001727,

Spötl, C., Dublyansky, Y., Koltai, G., Honiat, C., Plan, L., Angerer, T. (2021): Stable isotope imprint of hypogene speleogenesis: Lessons from Austrian caves. – Chemical Geology, 572, 120209,

Spötl, C., Dublyansky, Y., Koltai, G., Cheng, H. (2021): Hypogene speleogenesis and paragenesis in the Dolomites. – Geomorphology, 382, 107667.

Dublyansky, Y., Shirokov, V., Moseley, G.E., Kosintsev, P.A., Edwards, L.R., Spötl, C. (2021): 230Th dating of flowstone from Ignatievskaya Cave, Russia: Age constraints of rock art and paleoclimate inferences. – Geoarchaeology, 36, 532-545.

Li, X., Wendt, K.A., Dublyansky, Y., Moseley, G.E., Spötl, C., Edwards, R.L. (2021): Novel method for determining 234U-238U ages of Devils Hole 2 cave calcite. – Geochronology, 3, 49-58.

Chervyatsova, O.Y., Potapov, S.S., Kuzmina, L.Y., Dublyansky, Y.V., Sadykov, S.A., Kiseleva, D.V., Okuneva, T.G., Dzhabrailov, S.-E.M., Samokhin, G.V. (2020): Sulfuric acid speleogenesis in the North Caucasus: Sharo-Argun valley Caves (Chechen Republic, Russia). - Geomorphology, 369, 107346,

Wendt, K.A., Pythoud, M., Moseley, G.E., Dublyansky, Y.V., Edwards, R.L., Spötl, C. (2020): Paleohydrology southwest Nevada (USA) based on groundwater 234U/238U over the past 475,000 k.y. – Geological Society of America Bulletin, 132, 793-802.

Rogerson, M., Dublyansky, Y., Hoffmann, D.L., Luetscher, M., Töchterle, P.P.Spötl, C. (2019): Enhanced Mediterranean water cycle explains increased humidity during MIS 3 in North Africa. – Climate of the Past, 15, 1757-1769.

Dublyansky, Y.V., Klimchouk, A.B., Tokarev, S.V., Amelichev, G.N., Spötl, C. (2019): Groundwater of the Crimean peninsula: a first systematic study using stable isotopes. – Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies, 55, 419-437.

Dublyansky, Y., Lyakhnitsky, Y., Spötl, C. (2018): Data on the 14C date obtained from the charcoal figure “Blackfox” in Shulgan-Tash (Kapova) cave, Southern Ural, Russia. – Data in Brief, 21, 1101-1105.

Wendt, K.A., Dublyansky, Y.V., Moseley, G.E., R Edwards, R.L., Cheng, H., Spötl, C. (2018): Moisture availability in the southwest United States over the last three glacial-interglacial cycles. – Science Advances, 4: eaau1375, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aau1375.

Dublyansky, Y.V., Klimchouk, A.B. Tokarev, S., Amelichev, G.N., Langhamer, L. & Spötl, C.(2018): Stable isotopic composition of atmospheric precipitation on the Crimean Peninsula and its controlling factors. – Journal of Hydrology, 565, 61-73.

Dublyansky, Y.Moseley, G.E., Liakhnitsky, Y., Cheng, H., Edwards, R.L., Scholz, D., Koltai, G. Spötl, C. (2018): Late Palaeolithic cave art and permafrost in the Southern Ural. – Scientific Reports (Nature), 8:12080, DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-30049-w.

Johnston, V.E., Borsato, A., Frisia, S., Spötl, C., Dublyansky, Y., Töchterle, P., Hellstrom, J.C., Bajo, P., Edwards, R.L., Cheng, H. (2018): Evidence of thermophilisation and elevation-dependent warming during the Last Interglacial in the Italian Alps. – Scientific Reports (Nature), 8:2680, DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-21027-3.

Žák, K., Onac, B.P., Kadebskaya, O.I., Filippi, M., Dublyansky, Y., Luetscher, M. (2018): Cryogenic mineral formation in caves. – in: Ice caves (Persoiu, A. & Lauritzen, S.-E), 123-162, Amsterdam, Elsevier.

Spötl, C., Plan, L., Dublyansky, Y. (2017): Hypogene karst in Austria. – in: Klimchouk, A., Palmer, A.N., De Waele, J., Auler, A.J. & Audra, P. (eds.): Hypogene Karst Regions and Caves of the World, 113-126, New York (Springer).

Dublyansky, Y., Klenke, J., Spötl, C. (2017): Condensation corrosion speleogenesis in the Amargosa Desert and the Tecopa Basin. – in: Klimchouk, A., Palmer, A.N., De Waele, J., Auler, A.J. & Audra, P. (eds.): Hypogene Karst Regions and Caves of the World, 565-573, New York (Springer).

Klimchouk, A., Amelichev, G., Tymokhina, E., Dublyansky, Y. (2017): Hypogene speleogenesis in the Crimean Piedmont, the Crimea Peninsula. – in: Klimchouk, A., Palmer, A.N., De Waele, J., Auler, A.J. & Audra, P. (eds.): Hypogene Karst Regions and Caves of the World, 407-430, New York (Springer).

Dublyansky, Y., Michajljow, W., Bolner-Takács, K., Hromas, J., Székely, K., Hevesi, A., Kraus, S. (2017):  Hypogene karst in the Tyuya-Muyun and the Kara-Tash Massifs (Kyrgyzstan). – in: Klimchouk, A., Palmer, A.N., De Waele, J., Auler, A.J. & Audra, P. (eds.): Hypogene Karst Regions and Caves of the World, 495-507, New York (Springer).

Töchterle, P., Dublyansky, Y., Stöbener, N., Mandíc, M., Spötl, C. (2017): High resolution isotopic monitoring of cave air CO2. – Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 31, 895-900.

Dublyansky, Y., Roncat, A., Spötl, C., Dorninher, P. (2016): Hypogene cave morphology at high resolution: full 3-D survey of Märchenhöhle (Austria). – in: Proceedings of DEEPKARST 2016: Origins, Resources, and Management of Hypogene Karst (ed. by Chavez, T. & Reehling, P.), 183-187, Carlsbad, New Mexico (National Cave and Karst Research Institute).

Dublyansky, Y., Klenke, J., Spötl, C. (2016): Condensation corrosion speleogenesis in the Amargosa Desert and the Tecopa Basin. – in: Proceedings of DEEPKARST 2016: Origins, Resources, and Management of Hypogene Karst(ed. by Chavez, T. & Reehling, P.), 169-176, Carlsbad, New Mexico (National Cave and Karst Research Institute).

Moseley, G.E., Edwards, R.L., Wendt, K.A., Cheng, H., Dublyansky, Y., Lu, Y., Boch, R., Spötl, C. (2016): Reconciliation of the Devils Hole climate record with orbital forcing. – Science, 351, 165-168.

Fairchild, I.J., Fleming, E.J., Bao, H., Benn, D.I., Boomer, I., Dublyansky, Y.V., Halverson, G.P., Hambrey, M.J., Hendy, C., McMillan, E.A., Spötl, C., Stevenson, C.T.E., Wynn, P.M. (2016): Continental carbonate facies of a Neoproterozoic panglaciation, north-east Svalbard. – Sedimentology, 63, 443-497.

Dublyansky, Y., Moseley, G.E., Spötl, C., Liakhnitsky, Y., Cheng, H., Edwards, R.L. (2016): Constraining the ages of the late Palaeolithic cave paintings in the Shulgan-Tash Cave, Southern Urals, Russia. – In: Ancient sanctuaries: Archaeology, ritual, mythology. Materials of International Scientific Symposium, Ufa 2015 (Institute for History Publishing House), 120-125.

Klimchouk, A., Auler, A.A., Bezerra, F.H.R., Cazarin, C.L., Balsamo, F.,  Dublyansky, Y. (2016): Hypogenic origin, geologic controls and functional organization of a giant cave system in Precambrian carbonates, Brazil. - Geomorphology, 253, 385-405.

Spötl, C., Desch, A., Dublyansky, Y., Plan, L., Mangini, A. (2016): Hypogene speleogenesis in dolomite host rock by CO2-rich fluids, Kozak Cave (southern Austria). – Geomorphology, 255, 39-48.

Moseley, G.E., Dublyansky, Y.V., Edwards, R.L., Wendt, K.A., Pythoud, M., Zhang, P., Cheng, H., , Lu, Y., Boch, R., Spötl, C. (2016): Response to comments on "Reconciliation of the Devils Hole climate record with orbital forcing". – Science, 354, 296e.

Dublyansky, Y., Spötl, C. (2015): Condensation-corrosion speleogenesis above a carbonate-saturated aquifer: Devils Hole Ridge, Nevada. – Geomorphology, 229, 17-29.

Meckler, A.N., Affolter, S., Dublyansky, Y.V., Krüger, Y., Vogel, N., Bernasconi, S.M., Frenz, M., Kipfer, R., Leuenberger, M., Spötl, C., Carolin, S., Cobb, K.M., Moerman, Adkins, J.F., J., Fleitmann, D. (2015): Glacial-interglacial temperature change in the tropical West Pacific: A comparison of stalagmite-based paleo-thermometers. - Quaternary Science Reviews, 127, 90-116.

Dublyansky, Y.V., Klimchouk, A.B., Spötl, C., Timokhina, E.I., Amelichev, G.N. (2014): Isotope wallrock alteration associated with hypogene karst of the Crimean Piedmont, Ukraine. – Chemical Geology, 377, 31-44.

Dublyansky, Y.V. (2014):  Hypogene speleogenesis - discussion of definitions.  In: A. Klimchouk, I. Sasowsky, J. Mylroie, S.A. Engel, and A.S. Engel (Eds.), Hypogene Cave Morphologies. Karst Waters Institute Special Publication 18, 1-3, Karst Waters Institute, Leesburg, Virginia.

Dublyansky, Y.V., Spötl, C. (2014): Morphological effects of condensation-corrosion speleogenesis at Devils Hole ridge, Nevada. – In: A. Klimchouk, I. Sasowsky, J. Mylroie, S.A. Engel, and A.S. Engel (Eds.), Hypogene Cave Morphologies. Karst Waters Institute Special Publication 18, 36-43, Karst Waters Institute, Leesburg, Virginia.

Kluge, T., Affek, H.P., Dublyansky, Y., Spötl, C. (2014): Devils Hole paleotemperatures and implications for oxygen isotope equilibrium fractionation. – Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 400, 251-260.

Kluge, T., Affek, H.P., Zhang, Y.G., Dublyansky, Y., Spötl, C., Immenhauser, A., Richter, D.K. (2014): Clumped isotope thermometry of cryogenic cave carbonates. – Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 126, 541-554.

Dublyansky, Y.V. (2014): Evaluation of the US DOE's conceptual model of hydrothermal activity at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. - Geoscientific Model Development, 7, 1583-1607.

Dublyansky, Y.V. (2013): Karstification by geothermal waters. - In: Shroder, J. (Editor in Chief), Frumkin, A. (Ed.), Treatise on Geomorphology. Academic Press, San Diego, CA, 6, Karst Geomorphology, 57-71.

Dublyansky, Y. (2012): Hydrothermal caves. – In: White, W. B. & Culver, D.C. (eds.): Encyclopedia of Caves. 2nd ed., 391-397, Chennai, Academic Press.

Dublyansky, Y. (2012): Design of two crushing devices for release of the fluid inclusion volatiles. - Central European Journal of Geosciences, 4, 219-224, DOI: 10.2478/s13533-011-0048-9.

May, B., Spötl, C., Wagenbach, D., Dublyansky, Y. & Liebl, J. (2011): First investigations of an ice core from Eisriesenwelt cave (Austria). – The Cryosphere, 5, 81-93.

Roncat, A., Dublyansky, Y., Spötl, C.: Dorninger, P. (2011): Full-3D surveying of caves: A case study of Märchenhöhle (Austria). – Proceedings IAMG 2011, Salzburg, 5-9 September 2011, doi:10.5242/iamg.2011.0074.

Wainer, K., Genty D., Blamart D., Daeron M., Bar-Matthews M., Vonhof H., Dublyansky Y., Pons-Branchu E., Thomas L., van Calsteren P., Quinif Y., Caillon N. (2011): Speleothem record of the last 180 ka in Villars cave (SW France): Investigation of a large d18O shift between MIS6 and MIS5. - Quaternary Science Reviews, 30, 130-146

Dublyansky, Y., Spötl, C. (2010): Evidence for a hypogene paleohydrogeological event at the prospective nuclear waste disposal site Yucca Mountain, Nevada, USA, revealed by the isotope composition of fluid-inclusion water. - Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 289, 583-594.

Dublyansky, Y., Spötl, C. (2009): Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes of water from inclusions in minerals: design of a new crushing system and on-line CF-IRMS analysis. – Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 23, 2605-2613.

Dublyansky, Y., Spötl, C. & Steinbauer, C. (2009): Stegbachgraben, a mineralized hypogene cave in the Grossarl valley, Austria. - In: Klimchouk, A. & Ford, D. (eds.): Hypogene Speleogenesis and Karst Hydrogeology of Artesian Basins, Ukrainian Institute of Speleology and Karstology, Special Paper 1,  117-120.

Dublyansky, Y. & Spötl, C. (2009): Identifying paleo water-rock interaction during hydrothermal karstification: A stable isotope approach. - In: Klimchouk, A. & Ford, D. (eds.): Hypogene Speleogenesis and Karst Hydrogeology of Artesian Basins. Ukrainian Institute of Speleology and Karstology, Special Paper 1,  45-49.

Plan, L., Spötl, C., Pavuza, R. & Dublyansky, Y. (2009): Hypogean caves in Austria. – In: Klimchouk, A. & Ford, D. (eds.): Hypogene Speleogenesis and Karst Hydrogeology of Artesian Basins. Ukrainian Institute of Speleology and Karstology, Special Paper 1,  121-127.

Spötl, C., Dublyansky, Y., Meyer, M. & Mangini, A. (2009): Identifying low-temperature hydrothermal karst and palaeowaters using stable isotopes: a case study from an alpine cave, Entrische Kirche, Austria. – International Journal of Earth Sciences, 98, 665-676.